You know him when you see him: that dappled hind quarter; the lustrous, flowing tail; the coat so shiny you can almost see your own reflection in it... He's the kind...
With so many products to choose from, combatting seasonal insects can be a tough decision. Understanding the options available is a great first step, and Absorbine offers four distinct UltraShield fly control...
Feeling overwhelmed with your tack cleaning to-do list? Don't be! From scuffed stirrup leathers to show-ready boots, and all the dirty saddle pads in between, here's how to clean everything in...
For as long as most of us can remember, there's been ShowSheen® to detangle our horses' tails, Liniment to soothe weary muscles, and Hooflex® products to keep their feet healthy...
Spring is in the air! (Along with the year’s first seasonal flies.) Daffodils are slowly erupting from the ground. (As is hair from your horse’s body parts.) Pastures are greening....
The “Every Day Is Your Day to Shine Giveaway" prize includes a $300 Gift Certificate to SmartPak AND over $500 Grooming Package from Absorbine®, complete with: 12 (!) Bottles of...