Healthy weeds. It sounds like an oxymoron, but it doesn’t have to be. You see, we, humans are quick to label any undesirable-looking plant as a weed. But to a horse or...
"I wish my horse could just tell me what the problem is!" Have you ever uttered this phrase? If so, you’re not alone. So many times, we wish our horses...
Confession time: I used to be like everyone else. Well, like most horse people, anyway. I rode three or four times a week and went to horse shows (barrel races...
It seems natural is all the rage these days. Take a walk through any grocery store and you’re likely to see this label on anything from ice cream to granola...
Yes, I’m one of those barefoot people. And no, I do not consider myself a fanatic. If you want to put shoes on your horse that’s your prerogative. That being...
Chances are that if you have horses, you own at least one other species of animal (and probably more). Let’s face it—horse people are really just animal people. And the...
When horses act up, it’s easy to point the finger back at them. But what many horse owners may not know is that their own management practices may actually be...
Horse people love to talk about what they feed. Go to any show or performance event, and you’ll likely hear ten different opinions on which type of commercial feed is...
As a long-time horse owner and a former competitor in several equine disciplines, I never thought I would find myself in the position I’m in today—with four "pasture pets." But...
It seems many people are giving barefoot a try these days, but all too often, I hear of someone giving up, becoming convinced barefoot just doesn’t work for their horse. They find...