A new show is coming to Wellytown!
Just when you thought the Florida winter circuit couldn’t get any better, the Palm Beach Masters Series adds a new event to its elite roster.
Deeridge Farms (aka the oasis of calm in Wellington’s arduous “winter season”) will play host to a third event this year—and this one is geared to the young—horses, that is.
Following in the wake of the Palm Beach Masters CSI3* and Deeridge Derby, the newly appointed Palm Beach Open is an event “designed to give young horses experience at a superior venue.” With just under $100,000 in total prize money, the USEF-rated Jumper 2 show will feature classes at heights ranging from .95 to 1.40 meters as well as Classic Champions Inc. classes specifically for 5 to 7-year-old jumper horses.
“We have received a lot of positive feedback from exhibitors about how much they love competing at Deeridge Farms and there have been multiple requests for additional shows,” said Lou Jacobs, event co-founder along with siblings Charlie Jacobs and Katie Robinson. “We are thrilled to be able to welcome everyone back, not only for the Deeridge Derby at the end of February, but now also for the new Palm Beach Open in March.”
Running from March 22–25, the show will offer a range of 0.95m–1.25m classes daily in the sand Deeridge Jumper Ring. The schedule for the grass Grand Prix Ring is as follows:
Thursday, March 22
$1,000 Classic Champions 5 Year Old Jumper II
$2,000 Classic Champions 6 Year Old Jumper II 2d
$3,000 Classic Champions 7 Year Old Jumper II 2d
$3,000 1.30m Jumper II 2b
$3,500 1.35m Jumper II 2b
$10,000 1.40m Jumper II 2b
Friday, March 23
$1,000 Classic Champions 5 Year Old Jumper II 2d
$2,000 Classic Champions 6 Year Old Jumper II 2.1
$3,000 Classic Champions 7 Year Old Jumper II 2.1
$3,000 1.30m Jumper II 2c
$3,500 1.35m Jumper II 2c
$10,000 1.40m Jumper II 2.1
Saturday, March 24
$2,000 1.20m Jumper II 2b
$5,000 1.25m Jumper II 2b
$7,500 1.30m Jumper II 2b
$10,000 1.35m Jumper II 2b
Sunday, March 25
$2,000 1.15m Jumper II 2b
$1,000 Classic Champions 5 Year Old Jumper II 2a
$2,000 Classic Champions 6 Year Old Jumper II 2a
$4,000 Classic Champions 7 Year Old Jumper II 2a
$15,000 Turkish Airlines 1.40m Jumper II 2a
Learn more about the Palm Beach Open at palmbeachmasters.com. Entries are available online at horseshowsonline.com and close Wednesday, March 14, 2018.