Monday, June 20th kicked off the first official day of summer, and boy does it feel good. The sun is high in the sky, the ice tea is clinking in your glass, and the crickets are chirping out in the field.
Sure, your barn days are probably starting a bit earlier, your horse is sweating through saddle pads faster than you can wash them, and you’re still trying to perfect that fly season game plan. But taking the good along with the bad, this is what summer is all about. And if ever there was an image of the season that horse people everywhere can relate to, it’s this video by Tonya Fleming of Birmingham, Alabama.
On a hot day, two best friends take their horses down to the local swimming hole, though it’s hard to see who’s enjoying the cool dip more. “At least once in their life, every horse deserves to be loved by a little girl,” Fleming says on her Facebook page.
We couldn’t agree more.