Category Archives: History

Bizarre Olympic Horse Sports

When I think of summer Olympic sports, I think of track and field, swimming, gymnastics, equestrian and a few other staples. But now because I have successfully made it to...

A Brief History of the Olympic Medals

Nearly every athlete, young or old, dreams of winning an Olympic medal. Considered the highest achievement an athlete can attain, a medal from The Games signifies sacrifice, prowess and above...

Games of the I Olympiad

For more than 1,500 years the world was void of the Olympic Games. That void was thanks to Roman Emperor Theodosius I who was so hell-bent on promoting Christianity, that...

Women & the Ancient Olympics

If you've read my previous Olympic-themed posts, you know that women were not allowed to attend or participate in the Ancient Games. And for the most part that was true....

#HallOfFameThursday: Cedric

Each week on #HallOfFameThursday, Horse Network recognizes members of the Show Jumping Hall of Fame with an inductee’s plaque, historical photos and, on the first Thursday of every month, an article written by a...

#HallOfFameThursday: Snowbound

Each week on #HallOfFameThursday, Horse Network recognizes members of the Show Jumping Hall of Fame with an inductee’s plaque, historical photos and, on the first Thursday of every month, an article written by a...

A Century’s Worth of Memories

Each week on #HallOfFameThursday, Horse Network recognizes members of the Show Jumping Hall of Fame with an inductee’s plaque, historical photos and, on the first Thursday of every month, an article written by a...

Stallions in History?

I made an observation while writing my last two articles and I admit, what you’re about to read is from the point of view of a slightly bitter woman. Just...

Copenhagen Could Have Been an Eventer

I’ve written about the Duke of Wellington’s influence on footwear, aptly named Wellingtons or Wellies. Now, I thought I might look into Wellington’s horse, an off-the-track-Thoroughbred by the name of...

Random Mule Facts

I collect a lot of random facts when writing these posts, leaving me with bits and bobs that aren’t long enough to stand alone. So, this week I present you...

Talking Twine

The one thing you can assuredly find in a barn is a bucket load of binder twine, also known as baling twine, baler twine, baler string, hay twine, hay string...

Horses of the Coronation

Saturday, May 6, 2023, was a big TV day for horse lovers, royalists, race enthusiasts and eventers. With Badminton Horse Trials, the Kentucky Derby and a King being crowned, the...

Shakespeare’s Hay Day

Never in a million years would I have thought I would voluntarily take on a Shakespeare quote to decode. Yet here I am, several decades from the perils of high school...
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