Category Archives: Amateur Hour

Be the Barn Rat

Recently, a trainer that I admire on Twitter asked me, “How much would you ask to be paid to set jumps?” I thought this was an odd question, but I...

Why I Love and Hate Horse Shows

I have the exact same feelings about riding roller coasters as I do about competing, especially in the jumper ring. If you ask me on any regular day when I'm...

Thoughts From My Partial-Care Summer

Like most nineteen-year-olds, I am a broke college student, and when you add being an equestrian into the mix, it only makes things worse. This summer, my parents expected me...

The Horse I Didn’t Know I Needed

When I first laid eyes on my gelding Laeser (that’s pronounced lay-ser, not la-seer or lee-ay-czar—I’m looking at you show announcers...) I was stunned by his handsomeness and privileged to...

Jorge and the #BummerSummer

Some people don’t believe in love at first sight. And frankly, neither do I. But from the very first moment, he was brought in from the pasture and promptly attempted...