Category Archives: Amateur Hour

Are You a Superstitious Rider?

For me, the writing's on the wall. I can’t actually remember when I first realized I was a highly superstitious person. It might have been in my teenage years, while...

Is Success in Riding Cyclical?

And when you’re stuck in the proverbial rut, what can you do?  Six years ago, I was standing outside my horse’s stall just minutes before mounting up to compete in...

A Word for the “Class Horse”

People talk a lot about unicorns these days, but I’d like to put a word in for the ‘class horse.’ Of course, if you’re lucky enough to have either of...

After You Fall…

"Gretch, you fell from six feet going 25 miles an hour," my horse trainer said as I stood up and limped back to the mounting block. I dusted the arena...

On Buying My First Nice Helmet

I just bought my first expensive helmet. Then I spent the entire drive home from the tack shop panicking about how much money I had just spent. Up until that...

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