It’s a big week in the tech world as Apple unveiled the new iPhone 7 on Wednesday. As expected, this baby is loaded with new features to keep you thoroughly distracted while driving. After digging through the deets we’ve found several key upgrades and add-ons that will directly impact you, the smartphone savvy equestrian.
Dual camera thingy. If you like to take pictures of your horse, or of yourself on or near your horse, or of yourself in or around the barn where you keep your horse, consider springing for the iPhone 7 Plus, which features not one, but two cameras. The additional lens offers up to 60mm of zoom, more than enough to move your selfies from Intermediate to Advanced.
Learn | How to Take Stunning Horse Photos With Your Smartphone

“And you think we’re the ‘quirky’ ones?”
Waterproof. Yes, the new iPhone is supposedly water resistant, which will come in quite handy for us horse folk. The worst part about riding in the rain, as we all know, is the inability to snap a selfie and let everyone know how hard you horse without ruining the phone. And bath time just got a lot more exciting now that you can hold the sponge in one hand and your new iPhone in the other and your horse in—uh-oh…
No headphone jack. That’s right, those ear buds you can’t imagine not having in the warm-up ring are being phased out for wireless ones, which you are totally going to lose because how could you not? It’s for the best however, as jamming out to Florida Georgia Line in the warm-up ring is a hazard to everyone.
Smartphone meets smart saddle. Wearable tech is the new frontier as everyone and their grandmother has a Fitbit or Apple Watch these days. No industry is immune to the virtues of digitization, not even the analog equine world. A few months ago we told you about the world’s first smart saddle, so it’s no surprise the newest smartphones will sync with your hi-tech tack. But is this really what riders want? I mean, you know when you have a bad ride. Your horse knows it and your trainer most definitely knows. Do you really need feedback from your saddle too? Sure, it might seem “innovative”, but what happens when the smart saddle gets a little too smart?
What a time to be alive.
Graphics by Ryan Polli.