Tag Archives: #MortifiedMonday

#MortifiedMonday with Lauren Kieffer

Imagine you're a budding professional and you land a new sponsor. But not just any new sponsor. A top tier sponsor. A change-your-life-and-put-your-wildest-dreams-within-reach kind of sponsor. If you're like most...
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#MortifiedMonday with Boyd Martin

Horse show long enough and there will be moments when your hard work, dedication, and sweat equity will seem to magically come together. It may be the perfect execution of a...

#MortifiedMonday with Amanda Steege

If at first you fall off in the International Hunter Derby, try, try, try again. By any means possible... Professional hunter rider Amanda Steege, of Califon, New Jersey, takes us...

#MortifiedMonday with Yann Candele

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_55x5lFg_B8 Famous riders telling mortifying stories. WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE?! This week, Canadian Olympian Yann Candele takes us back to that time his groom took a joy ride on his...

#MortifiedMonday with Ryan Wood

Famous riders telling mortifying stories. WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE?! This week, Australian eventer Ryan Wood takes the hot seat. The 33-year old won both three-star divisions at the Jaguar Land...