Dressage fans, this week’s for you.

The 2023/24 World Cup season continues with Western European League qualifiers in Madrid and the Pacific League Final in New Zealand with a double serving of dressage and a side of 5* show jumping.

Here are your livestream links for the week:

Friday, November 24

1:20 AMCambridge Takapoto CDIWFEI Dressage World Cup
10:30 AMMadrid CDIWFEI Dressage World Cup
1:30 PMMadrid CSI5*-WCaser Grupo Helvetia Speed 1.50m
4:30 PMMadrid CSI5*-WIfema Madrid Six Bar Jumping

Saturday, November 25

1:20 AMCambridge Takapoto CDIWFEI Dressage World Cup Pacific League Final
9:30 AM Madrid CDIWFEI Dressage World Cup
1:00 PMMadrid CSI5*-WEstrella Damm Winning Round 1.50m

Sunday, November 26

9:00 AMMadrid CSI5*-WLongines FEI Jumping World Cup Madrid