You know him as a two-time Olympian.
As the roguishly handsome face of American eventing.
As a lover of cats.
But there’s more to Boyd Martin than meets the eye.
“In November and December I pretend to be a foxhunter with the Cheshire [Foxhounds],” revealed the 2015 Pan American team gold medalist.
This week, Martin added winning hunter hack rider to his ever growing list of equestrian accomplishments. The Rio Olympian competed in and won the Gentlemen’s Hunter Under Saddle with Right On Que at Pennsylvania National Horse Show in Harrisburg.
“Somehow I got roped into competing in the Hack,” said Martin. “I had no idea what it involved, but it was brilliant! I’ve never been to anything like this before. I got lent a horse and had a bit of training in the collecting ring and went in there and had a crack at the class. It was great fun.”
But don’t worry. He’s not hanging up his eventing vest just yet.
Martin placed third in the Dutta Corp./Fair Hill International Three-Day Event CCI*** this past weekend.
No word on whether he’s gearing up to tackle the USHJA International Hunter Derby next.