It’s almost unfathomable, but the holidays are here again. It’s time to scour those horse catalogues for all the gear you absolutely don’t need! But if you have a moment to spare from your wish list making and wish granting this season, I suggest you let these horsey holiday commercials make you smile.

1. Pony – eBay

2. The Pony at Christmas – Three UK

3. A Little Holiday Magic – Hermès

4. Snowball Fight – Budweiser

5. Kiss – Budweiser

Now go buy your horse something pretty!

Marjorie Wilkinson Bio PicAbout the Author

Marjorie Wilkinson is the co-founder and co-editor of Counter-Canter Culture—a revolutionary online publication intended to unite the equestrians and equestrian-enthusiasts who aren’t afraid to kick up the dust that has settled on the conventional equine lifestyle. She is also a real-life Hollywood music supervisor and the official curator of Counter-Canter Culture’s musical column, 100% Sound.