One of the challenges of fear is how it can leave you frozen and literally stop your ride. Your horse wonders where you went and either takes over or takes advantage.
Here are five ways to take your ride back:
1. Change your focus
Get “task oriented.” Direct your inner talk to physical instructions that relate to what you are about to do (eg, pace, soft hands, deep corner, forward ride). Nothing dissipates nerves like action, so talk yourself into some.
2. Change your usual response
How do you usually respond to your fear? Do you typically give up? Worry? Remember that the changes in your body are actually there to assist you. Embrace the changes. Remind yourself you are becoming sharper and stronger.
3. Assume a physically confident position
If you’re not feeling confident, use your body to help get you there. Changing your body’s position can help you get in touch with other aspects of your confident self. Square your shoulders, bring your chest out and sit tall. Good equitation is more than a physical ideal, it’s a mental modifier.
4. Choose your self-talk carefully
I call this the “purple cow” principle. Don’t think about purple cows? You just did. Tell yourself “don’t think about being nervous.” Now you have. Thinking in “don’ts” does not work. You have to change your dialogue into “dos” such as “do take a deep breath” or “do remember how well prepared you are.”
5. Consider modifying your target
Perfectionists often create their own stress by falling into the expectation trap. Unrealistic expectations mean for ongoing anxiety. Turn your target from being an expectation into a goal. A process goal that focuses on elements of your ride that you can control. “I expect I will place top three today” becomes “I will focus on consistent pace today.”
About the Author
April Clay is a rider and sport psychologist in Calgary, Alberta. Check out her site at Want more confidence? Try the Confidence Factor Online course or Riding Through Fear.