Buying a new saddle is a delicate and carefully considered process. First, there is the matter of fit, for you and your horse. Knee rolls, blocks, and seat depth depend on personal preference and discipline, but they, too, play a role. And, of course, there’s that teensy little matter of price…

But let’s just say your fairy Godmother showed up to magically resolve all of those issues with a whisk of her magic wand. All you have to do is pick out a new saddle. Now we’re not suggesting that anyone go out and purchase a saddle because they saw a pretty compelling new ad on the internet… But…. let’s just play devil’s advocate for a moment and say that they did. And that the ad happened to contain a gorgeous, immaculate grey horse; expensive, buttery leather tack; effortless, picture-perfect jumps and equitation, and a mesmerizing symphonic soundtrack. That person couldn’t be blamed. Right?


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The new ad for the Hermès Allegro saddle, like plenty of Hermès ads before it, is transporting in a way that makes you forget all about the blistered hands, hay-in-your-hair, stall-cleaning parts of normal, non-Hermèsified equestrian life.

After the first five seconds you’ll be saying, “Me? Fall for this? Yeah right.” After the first 30 seconds, you’ll be deeply entranced. By the one-minute mark, you might be thinking, This is how riding SHOULD be. Why doesn’t my riding look like this? And by the end of the Allegro ad, you’ll have concluded, Maybe I’ve just been riding in the wrong saddle this whole time…

And then you’ll wipe the stars out of your eyes and go back to saddle shopping like an adult. But in the meantime, there’s this.