Channel Archives: Learn

Warm Me Up Before You Go-Go

When we work horses, especially young ones, we ask them to give us not only their total focus but also a very high degree of physical exertion. As with human...

How to Ride Safely Over Spooky Ground

Sparkling white lines and broad swathes of color denoting bike lanes and crosswalks—to us, they are provided to ensure our safety, but so often our horses perceive them as terrifying...

At the Trot: to Sit or Post?

As an equine fitness specialist my job is always to ask how we can improve the horse’s body. One of the simplest ways we can do this in daily riding...

Horse Health Myths and Legends

We can all think of at least one old horse care myth that has been debunked but continues to this day. One of the most persistent is that fructan causes...

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