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5 No-Cost Ways to Improve Your Performance and Wellbeing

“How can I improve my riding outside of the saddle?”

“How can I become a calmer competitor?”

“I only have x hours to ride per week, how can I still make progress?”

These are common questions, especially for amateur riders who are strapped for two precious resources: time, and money. And this time of year, we all feel especially lean on those two things (and, low on sanity, control, patience in the grocery checkout line…)

And while there are tons of resources for riding and training education, I felt pulled to focus (especially during the holiday season) on some strategies to become a calmer, more focused, more balanced rider. 

Have you ever felt so out of control in the other parts of your life that when you arrive at the barn, you’re subconsciously desperate for your ride to go well? I’ve felt that—that I was looking for evidence of my ability to get something, anything right (please, for the love of God!). I think we all know that’s a pretty unfair and unrealistic emotional situation to put ourselves and our horses in.

Today’s episode is sponsored by WeRideTogether. Their website has loads of free resources for you to help promote safety for all athletes, including minors, at your barn and at shows. Check out their current events tab to learn more about the prevalence of sexual abuse in sport and see the latest headlines. 

My guest today, Aoife Leggett, is a performance coach to 5* event riders. She helps them become humans who can cope with stress, the ups and downs of the sport, pressure, monotony, and more while achieving their goals, like riding at Burghley.

Aoife maps out five areas of focus to improve your performance as a human, and therefore, as a rider. The best part? These five areas of focus cost approximately $0, and you can start to put them into use right away.

Sure, you can buy a pod for ice plunging, or a more expensive saddle, or some costly and questionable supplements for both you and your horse (please don’t). But really, the things that will move the needle most are the effective, repeatable, low-barrier measures. And that’s exactly what this 5-part checklist is. 

Get your mind, body, and nervous system right as we head into 2025. Listen to my chat with Aoife, 5 No Cost Ways to Improve Your Performance and Wellbeing.

Today’s episode is also sponsored by Nikovian – luxury equestrian training and showing apparel without the luxury pricetag. Size inclusive and made to move with you and enhance your riding, rather than hinder it, this brand is one of our much-loved breech brands in the equestrian space. Use code horseperson15 for 15% off your order at

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