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Should I Send a Dick Pic? Take the Quiz!

©Kaspars Grinvalds |

Innovation in the 21st century has reshaped society in ways good, bad, and largely still unknown.

In addition to rapid gene sequencing (good!), AI (terrifying!), and space travel (we’ll get back to you!), the Internet age has brought us such novel concepts as ghosting, cancel culture and the rise of (pun intended) the unsolicited dick pic.

Now you might be thinking, who sends dick pics and what does this have to do with the barn? We’ll get to the second part of that question in a minute. The answer to the first part: more men than you would think. 

According to a 2019 study in the Journal of Sex Research, 48% of 1,087 men polled in an online survey reported sending an unsolicited dick pic. Some men said they’d sent them to provoke feelings of arousal or attraction in the individuals receiving them, others hoped to get an X-rated picture in return. Only one-fifth of men said they sent unsolicited dick pics for their own sexual satisfaction. 

Which is in no way to say that two consenting adults cannot exchange naughty pictures within the previously agreed-upon bounds of their relationship. The key word here is unsolicited. And the rule applies especially when—here’s where the barn comes in—minor athletes are involved. 

Fair follow-up question for the coaches, trainers, and others who work with minor athletes: Wow, that seems obvious! Do we really need to be having this conversation? 

In a word: Yes! Recent SafeSport cases tell us so. 

Take, for instance, Harvard’s Head Diving Coach. In 2018, Chris Heaton was suspended less than two months after being hired for sending dick pics to young female swimmers at his prior post in Indiana. And, earlier this year, California jumper trainer Alec Lawler was arrested for—among other alleged crimes—sending “sexual photos” to a student. 

Which begs yet another question: My dudes, are the rules around whether or not to send dick pics really that confusing?

Hint: They’re not. But just in case you have doubts, here are two easy ways to map dick-pic-sending decision making: 

  1. Is the person you’re considering sending to a minor? 
  2. Are you, for whatever reason, in a position of authority over this person? 

If the answer to either of these questions is ‘Yes!,’ DEFINITELY DON’T SEND A DICK PIC. Athletes cannot give consent, no matter what their age, when a power imbalance is involved.

Still doing okay? Here’s one more criteria: 

If ‘Yes,’ then good for you! If ‘No,’ then DON’T SEND A DICK PIC. 

So there you have it! Feeling good? Ready to tackle the world?  Let’s put your knowledge to the test with our just-for-fun (but like seriously get it together) Dick Pic Quiz! 

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If you didn’t get 10 out of 10 on the quiz, start at the beginning and read slower this time so it sinks in. You can do it! 

TLDR: If you’re tempted to send a salacious selfie to a minor, an athlete, an employee and/or workplace colleague, just don’t. 


Humans (but mostly women)

Learn more about sexual misconduct prevention in sport at


Men Who Send Unsolicited Dick Pics Are Usually Narcissistic and Sexist, Study Confirms

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